Thank all of you for the re-induction into The Memphis Music Hall of Fame!

Date: November 18, 2019
posted by cropper / Comments: No Comments / Tags: There is no tags
Can’t thank you all enough for the recent re-induction into The Memphis Music HOF! To be honored by your peers in such a way, well, it’s hard to put into words! I’m extremely humbled & grateful! It was a special treat to have my eldest daughter, Ashley Cropper attend! I also want to thank The BBC for their interview & documentary to come out soon!
Last, but certainly not least, The thrill it was last Tuesday to play with/for my longtime friend & brother, Mr. James Burton! Everyone from Sammy Haggar to Paul Schaefer & many more, came to Nashville to celebrate that Iconic “Telecaster Master”! None of us could be where we are today without your love & support!
God Bless!