Stacks on STAX

Date: December 5, 2022

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Published June 10, 2021
By Jeff Slate

“Chips Moman [Grammy-winning Gold Star guitarist and producer] taught me how to be a session guitar player,” Cropper recalls. “He told me, ‘Just play what you feel, and if the singer or the producer or the engineer doesn’t like it, they’ll tell you, and ask you to play what they want you to play.’ But everyone seemed to like what I was doing. I just played what I felt, and it worked.”

Cropper, of course was no doubt a quick study, but he was broadly self-taught, with a very little help to get him going at the start.

“Actual lessons – paid for lessons – I had three in total,” he says with a chuckle. “That sure saved my family some money, didn’t it?”