Cropper: No Bullshit

Date: January 3, 2016
posted by cropper / Comments: No Comments / Tags: There is no tags
The day before we exhibited at the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association (CEDIA) tradeshow, we held a special event in Dallas for our tireless sales team and to honor a few select people. We were lucky enough to have the legendary Steve Cropper put on a show for all those in attendance.
Rolling Stone magazine called Cropper one of the top 100 guitarists of all time and he certainly didn’t disappoint us. In his decorated career as an American guitarist, songwriter and producer, he has collaborated with some of history’s finest musicians, like the late Otis Redding.
We were lucky enough to sit down with Steve Cropper, enjoy a glass of wine and line up five questions for the on-going “No Bullshit” series.